Monday, January 15, 2018

Why We Are All Penelope Brave

In 2012, I was awakened in the middle of my sleep between 2 and 4 AM. I glanced at my surroundings. I was reminded that my life had forever been changed.

I was newly saved, had just left my husband, and was living with a friend, sleeping in her child's twin sized bed (I love you Davina!). How did I, a Bible believing, tongue talking, floor walking believer end up here?

God began to speak to me about a girl named Penelope. Penelope means: weaver and faithful.

At the time I wrote this, I just thought it was a cute little story that would lead all the children to Christ. Little did I know I'd be editing this story over the next five years to draw ME closer to Him. Prior to finishing Penelope, I looked at Christianity with a finish line in view. Like there was a certain amount of Hallelujahs I could have stored up so God could trust me to do anything for Him. I lived as though the amount of sins that I did not commit made me a better suitor than others. Through cultivating this story and a couple of life lessons, God showed me, He just wants me to 1) believe and 2) continue to seek Him. For the rest of my life, seek Him.

This is the basis for this project, it's not to tell children how they must live or believe, but to encourage them to initiate Him. It's to encourage them to seek Him and His truth for themselves and love Him because they want to love Him. Because they see of His beauty and want more of Him.

I want to remind them that life is a journey. To take things in strides and enjoy every ounce of beauty and failures a long the way. There are many little life lessons we can learn from Penelope. One being that:
1) People may not understand your mission, but that's okay. Your mission is between you and God.
2) Some missions have to be attempted alone.
3) Don't be distracted easily. On her journey, she had many opportunities to stop and do things she could do on any old day, but she chose to stay focused.
4) Don't be so easily discouraged. Penelope didn't stop at her first failure.
5) It's okay to be upset. It's okay to be mad. It's okay to cry. But even in those moments, pray and watch God work.
6) Your understanding may not come how you thought it would so be open minded to the possibilities.
7) Don't get comfortable once you accomplish a task, prepare for the next mission.

So in a sense, we are all Penelope Brave. We are all walking this Earth attempting to see our Creator in it all. We want the raw truth and most of us won't stop until we get it. But one thing we should all remember is that God is watching over our journeys, so do not be dismayed by the people who don't like the paths you take to find it.

Penelope B's Great Mission became available for pre-order today! The official launch is February 24th, 2018. So come out to meet me and get your book and missions kit! Register for this free event here!
211 Rankin Street
Fayetteville, NC at 2PM

Love you guys!

Peaches Dean

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